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Category Archives: General

2406 Is It a Double-Edged Sword_A Common Pitfall of Defaults _ATC_

Is It a Double-Edged Sword? A Common Pitfall of Defaults

By Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. |

It is common knowledge that litigation, if anything, is three things: timely, costly, and tiring. No matter the mental preparation every attorney holds with their respective clients, the feeling of desperation and the desire for closure begins to sink in as litigation begins and drags on. Now imagine filing a complaint, having your summons… Read More »

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2403 Alternatives to Guardianship in Florida _TY_

Alternatives to Guardianship

By Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. |

By Tilford Yates, Esq. Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. In Florida, Guardianship is the legal proceeding of being appointed Guardian to exercise legal rights on behalf of someone that lacks the capacity to do so themselves. It’s an extremely important proceeding that is often necessary for family members and friends to take care of a… Read More »

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240220 ALFN State Snapshot Article - AK

State Snapshot: Florida Overview of Relief from the Automatic Stay in Chapter 13 Cases

By Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. |

Firm Partner Amy Kiser delivers an overview of relief from the automatic stay in Chapter 13 cases, published in the American Legal and Financial Network’s (ALFN) Winter 2024 ANGLE publication as a State Snapshot Article. Click HERE to read the article on pages 36-37 of the publication.

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State Snapshot: Florida Shortens Mortgage Estoppel Deadline to 10 Days, Delineates New Requirements

By Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. |

Managing Partner Michelle Gilbert contributes state snapshot article, published in the American Legal and Financial Network’s (ALFN) Fall 2023 ANGLE publication. Click HERE to read Florida Shortens Mortgage Estoppel Deadline to 10 Days, Delineates New Requirements on pages 28-29 of the publication.

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Female Investors, Then and Now

By Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. |

Managing Partner Michelle Gilbert authors insightful article detailing the history of trailblazing female investors who excelled despite the laws and cultural taboos of their times. Click HERE to read Female Investors, Then and Now on pages 26-29 of the American Legal and Financial Network’s (ALFN) Fall 2023 WILLed publication.

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231117 Florida FC Standing

Gilbert Garcia Group Senior Litigation Attorney Joseph Dayan shares the fundamentals of foreclosure standing in Florida.

By Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. |

A Primer on Foreclosure Standing in Florida I. Who Has Standing to Foreclose? Per FS § 673.3011, the person entitled to enforce an instrument (“Note”) is: The “holder” of the instrument (defined by FS §671.201 (22)(a) as the person in possession of a negotiable instrument that is payable either to bearer or to an… Read More »

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2311 Positive Outcome Alexis Re

Positive Outcome: Motion for Emergency Temporary Injunction Denied

By Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. |

Gilbert Garcia Group Litigation Attorney Alexis Toro Castro successfully advocated on behalf of our client against granting of an Emergency Motion for Temporary Injunction in an evidentiary hearing. The opposing party requested an expedited hearing date on an Emergency Motion. With only 24 hours to prepare, Alexis and the team analyzed all of opposing… Read More »

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The Issues With Post-Petition Fee Notices

By Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. |

The Commercial Law League of America (CLLA) featured an article contributed by Amy M. Kiser, Gilbert Garcia Group partner, in their recent Commercial Law World (CLW) Magazine – Annual Bankruptcy Issue. Click HERE to read The Issues With Post-Petition Fee Notices on pages 42-44 of the publication.

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Michelle Gilbert

Michelle Garcia Gilbert named 2023 Five Star Institute Women in Housing Award Finalist

By Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. |

The Five Star Institute has announced the finalists for its 2023 Women in Housing Leadership Awards (WIH), to be presented during the 20th Annual Five Star Conference and Expo on Wednesday, September 20. Five awards will be handed out to the industry’s most distinguished women leaders, including the Corporate Social Responsibility Award for which… Read More »

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Make Other People Happy Empowering Journey of Mother Teresa

By Gilbert Garcia Group, P.A. |

BY MICHELLE GARCIA GILBERT MANAGING PARTNER GILBERT GARCIA GROUP, P.A.   THE BEGINNING She seems to be an unusual focus for accomplished and worldly attorneys, client relations liaisons, and operations managers involved with default servicing legal services. At a mere five feet tall, coming from a modest and obscure childhood, Mother Teresa made a… Read More »

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